Want to experience a chilling sensation in the jungle where it’s 105F and humidity at 90+% literally? Walk unwittingly into a minefield and suddenly find out exactly what you just did. Want to experience something even more chilling? Unwittingly step…
The Widow
Most of the encounters I experience were either in a village or at a place near one. The civilian contacts most often took place, of course, in a village or in their crop fields. One day, we were sent to…
The Tough Nerd
He loved his call name. He used to say it made him sound and look way cooler than he really was. He made his way into the service unit from the information section. He was a nerd, a tough nerd.…
His Right Hand Man
He was the X.O. He was Scepter 5-5. His was a job that drove other, lesser men into the ground. It was the job that made him what he is now, he’d always say. He took his job seriously so…
Lunch With the Captain
I was invited to a lunch at a home of a former captain of the NVA. He was a gracious host. We had a long and interesting conversation. We talked about movies, to music, to foreign politics, mostly in broken…