Working as an export broker, through chance Sam van Teijn encountered a representative who would change his life. This individual recruited him into the underworld of crimes against humanity. His position involved the apprehension of criminals, battling rouge bandits, humanitarian aid, and working with, in his opinion, some of the most remarkable and highly trained professionals that this world has ever seen.
This website represents a collection of short writings on his experiences. He seeks to share these stories on behalf of the people who he had the honor of working with and for. In addition, he wishes the tell the stories of the victims of the most extreme forms of human cruelty. As much of the information present still holds the potential for being damaging, it is prudent that he speaks in only the most vague of terms.
The stories here are not for everyone. Many of them describe in graphic detail some the most vile acts ever committed by humanity. Should you still seek to read such horrific writings, he seeks to offer an insight to the atrocities that have been committed, that are being committed, and that will continue to be committed in the future. For those who have been there, he wishes to offer some semblance of solace in that someone else has been there, too.